Pokémon - Advanced Challenge

Run Time: mins
Air Date: Thu, 4 Sept 2003
Average Rating: ⭐ 7.9 (1914 votes)
TV Tokyo TV Aichi TVQ TV Osaka TVh TSCA shadow hovers over Ash, May, and friends as they continue their journey through the Hoenn region, and it’s not just that of Mt. Chimney—both Team Magma and Team Aqua put plans into action with our heroes caught in the middle! When not foiling evil schemes, Ash and May chase their personal goals, with Ash battling for three more Gym Badges and May winning her first three Contest Ribbons. The group also gains new Pokémon like Torkoal and Bulbasaur, but could they be too much to handle?
52 Episodes

What You Seed is What You Get
Season 7 - Episode 1
After earning the Dynamo Badge from Wattson, Ash and co. continue their journey. May insists to go to Fallarbor Town while Ash suggests they...

Love at First Flight
Season 7 - Episode 2
The heroes spot a pair of Pokémon bowing to one another, as dance partners would, and begin flying around one another in a wide circle. Broc...

Let Bagons Be Bagons
Season 7 - Episode 3
On the way to Fallarbor Town and May's next contest, Ash and co encounter a rare Bagon and its trainer, a girl named Michelle, who is trying...

The Princess and the Togepi
Season 7 - Episode 4
Ash and co. reunite with their old friend Misty, who is happy to meet May and Max for the first time. Soon, they enter a kingdom dedicated t...

A Togepi Mirage!
Season 7 - Episode 5
During the reunion with their old friend Misty, Ash and co. discover Hansen wants to rule the Togepi Kingdom and the Mirage Kingdom. Will th...

Candid Camerupt!
Season 7 - Episode 6
Being exhausted and tired, the heroes collapse in a desert. Soon, they wake up in a lodge, being rescued by the Winstrate family. The heroes...

I Feel Skitty!
Season 7 - Episode 7
While doing her training with Beautifly, May's frisbee flies off. Torchic goes to retrieve the frisbee, but also finds a Skitty, who seems t...

ZigZag Zangoose!
Season 7 - Episode 8
Traveling on the road, the heroes encounter Nicholai, who had caught a Zangoose. While having a battle with Ash, Nicholai notices Zangoose i...

Maxxed Out!
Season 7 - Episode 9
Heading to Fallarbor City, the gang meet up with a trainer called Max who looks identical to Max. He is having trouble with his Surskit. How...

Pros and Con Artists
Season 7 - Episode 10
After arriving in Fallarbor Town, May starts doubting herself, seeing a lot of Coordinators that will participate, including Drew. However, ...

Come What May!
Season 7 - Episode 11
May reaches the second round of the Contest and defeats Jessica (who is Jessie, in disguise). Seeing Grace had managed to defeat her rival, ...

Cheer Pressure
Season 7 - Episode 12
The heroes encounter Thatcher, the boy they helped at the lighthouse, who joined a band of cheerleaders, named Pep Squad. Team Rocket decide...

Game Winning Assist
Season 7 - Episode 13
After running away from some Slugma, the heroes find themselves on a ranch, owned by a girl named Julie. The heroes decide to spend some tim...

Fight for the Meteorite
Season 7 - Episode 14
The heroes (and Team Rocket, who hope to catch their enemy, Pikachu) take a cable cart to Mount Chimney. However, the cart suddenly stops an...

Poetry Commotion!
Season 7 - Episode 15
After Ash and Co. reach Lavaridge Town, they meet Flannery, the Gym Leader. Having just inherited the Gym from her grandfather and determine...

Going, Going, Yawn!
Season 7 - Episode 16
Ash challenges Flannery to a Gym match. Ash hopes to have an easy fight by using Corphish. Flannery, despite sometimes acting a bit nervous,...

Going for a Spinda
Season 7 - Episode 17
Ash decides to head to Petalburg City for his next Gym battle. On the road, the gang runs into a group of Spinda. A pretty girl named Claire...

All Torkoal, No Play
Season 7 - Episode 18
On their way back to Mauville City, Ash and friends travel through the Valley of Steel, home of many different kinds of Steel Pokémon and a ...

Manectric Charge
Season 7 - Episode 19
Ash and friends return to Mauville City, where they encounter a carnival run by Team Rocket. They let all their Pokémon out to enjoy the fes...

Delcatty Got Your Tongue
Season 7 - Episode 20
After a battle with Team Rocket, May's Skitty accidentally inhales Torkoal's smoke. To cure her, the heroes go to a Pokémon Clinic, run by D...

Disaster of Disguise
Season 7 - Episode 21
As the heroes arrive in Verdanturf Town, they meet up with Drew, who cannot participate in the upcoming Contest, since his Roselia has been ...

Disguise Da Limit
Season 7 - Episode 22
With Timmy participating in the Contest, May hopes to win her second ribbon. However, with May's Skitty's Blizzard not working properly, May...

Take the Lombre Home
Season 7 - Episode 23
The heroes, who are thirsty, wander the land. Brock shows them a spring, but it ran out of water. They go to the village, but find it desert...

True Blue Swablu
Season 7 - Episode 24
The heroes, who got lost in a forest, encounter a Swablu, who has its wing injured. Along with the help of a local ranger, Morita, May spend...

Gulpin it Down!
Season 7 - Episode 25
During a break, the heroes get their lunch eaten by a Gulpin. They soon find out a group of Gulpin is eating away the food supplies in the c...

Exploud and Clear
Season 7 - Episode 26
Ash and friends are eating lunch in the woods when they notice that Treecko has wandered off. After failing to convince the Grass-type to co...

Go Go Ludicolo!
Season 7 - Episode 27
While having sandwiches for lunch, the heroes are visited by a man named Poncho and his Ludicolo. They challenge Ash to a battle, who bets h...

A Double Dilemma
Season 7 - Episode 28
As the heroes arrive to Petalburg City, May and Max are visited by the crowd, who like Norman, Caroline and their children. While Max and Ma...

Love, Petalburg Style!
Season 7 - Episode 29
Just as the heroes return to Petalburg City, Ash goes to the Pokémon Center to get ready for his Gym match, where he encounters Norman talki...

Balance of Power
Season 7 - Episode 30
Ash faces Norman in a Gym battle. Norman switches offense and defense to baffle Ash, who tries to overcome this trial, having his Pokémon us...

A Six Pack Attack!
Season 7 - Episode 31
The heroes decide to stop at Professor Birch's lab. Hearing Professor Oak will come to the lab as well, Ash and Brock decide to accompany Bi...

The Bicker the Better
Season 7 - Episode 32
Due to May being late, Ash is outraged, since he wants to go to Fortree City as quickly as possible. May becomes angry as well and soon, Ash...

Grass Hysteria!
Season 7 - Episode 33
The heroes get lost in a forest. Just then, May gets taken away by a Skarmory. As Ash, Brock and Max try to get May out of the forbidden are...

Hokey Poké Balls!
Season 7 - Episode 34
With Bulbasaur being in May's team, Ash decides to call his own Bulbasaur to meet up. However, Team Rocket has modified the transporting mac...

Whiscash and Ash
Season 7 - Episode 35
While resting by a lake with his friends, Ash polishes his Badge Case and remembers all the Gym Battles he's won so far. Suddenly, a wild Wh...

Me, Myself and Time
Season 7 - Episode 36
While separated from his friends, Ash encounters a girl and her Baltoy. He learns they were called to meet someone at a set of ruins, and he...

A Fan with a Plan!
Season 7 - Episode 37
Arriving in Rubello Town, May finds Drew, who is going to participate in the Contest. She also meets Savannah, a wife, who is going to parti...

Cruisin' for a Losin'
Season 7 - Episode 38
May, confident in her Pokémon, enters the Rubello Contest with Drew and Savannah. While all three manage to pass the first round, May's Bulb...

Pearls are a Spoink's Best Friend
Season 7 - Episode 39
Continuing their journey to Fortree City, Ash and friends come across a Spoink, who is upset after losing the Pearl it keeps on the top of i...

That's Just Swellow
Season 7 - Episode 40
As they arrive to Crossgate Town, the heroes learn there is a tournament involving Flying-type Pokémon. May, Ash and, surprisingly, James, e...

Take This House and Shuppet
Season 7 - Episode 41
The heroes and Team Rocket, after another clash, have gone to the mansion. There, May argues with Max, who runs off and meets a Shuppet. Due...

A Shroomish Skirmish
Season 7 - Episode 42
As the heroes have a meal, Torchic and Corphish start fighting. As Ash and May try to calm them down, Team Rocket arrives, and so do some Br...

Unfair Weather Friends
Season 7 - Episode 43
The heroes spend a day at the Weather Research Institute. Just then, Team Aqua, with Shelly as the commander, arrive to gather information a...

Who's Flying Now?
Season 7 - Episode 44
After the events that transpired at the Weather Institute, Ash and co. finally arrive at Fortree City. Ash couldn't wait to challenge the Gy...

Sky High Gym Battle!
Season 7 - Episode 45
The time has come once more. Ash is ready to have his Gym Battle with Winona. Before the battle starts she evokes a prayer to all Flying Pok...

Lights, Camerupt, Action!
Season 7 - Episode 46
As the heroes continue onwards, they encounter a man pushing his Camerupt. After helping the man, the heroes are told the man, named Elijah,...

Crazy as a Lunatone
Season 7 - Episode 47
The heroes arrive in a deserted town and get rejected by Nurse Joy to stay in her Pokémon Center. They soon find out the PMC, Ken and Mary, ...

The Garden of Eatin'
Season 7 - Episode 48
The heroes come into the Banana Slakoth Garden, a famous tourist spot. However, they find it empty, save for a Snorlax, who is eating away t...

A Scare to Remember!
Season 7 - Episode 49
After another encounter with Team Rocket, Ash loses Pikachu. Pikachu, however, has hit his head and suffers from amnesia and is found by Meo...

Pokéblock, Stock, and Berry
Season 7 - Episode 50
As they arrive in Lilycove City, the heroes meet Kelly, a fellow Coordinator, who knows how to make good Pokéblocks. As Max stays with Ash, ...

Lessons in Lilycove
Season 7 - Episode 51
May's Combusken manages to control the Fire Spin attack it launched. Through luck, May enters the next round with Kelly and fights Josaphine...

Judgment Day
Season 7 - Episode 52
Due to a mistake, the heroes sail away to an island, with their actual destination being Mossdeep City. On the island, they find Jimmy, who ...