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Pokémon - Advanced


Run Time: mins

Air Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002

Average Rating: ⭐ 7.9 (1914 votes)

TV Tokyo TV Aichi TVQ TV Osaka TVh TSC

Polishing off the Silver Conference, Ash heads toward his next challenge—the far-off Hoenn region! While he must say goodbye to old friends, he makes the acquaintance of May, a Trainer just starting out on her Pokémon journey. Along with her little brother Max and the ever-reliable Brock, this pack of Pokémon Trainers begin pursuing their dreams—with Ash racking up three Gym Badges, while May changes tack to follow the Contest path of a Pokémon Coordinator.

40 Episodes

Get the Show on the Road!

Get the Show on the Road!

Season 6 - Episode 1

Team Rocket's failed attempt to catch Pikachu has left the little yellow Pokémon dangerously ill. Littleroot Town has no Pokémon Center so A...

A Ruin with a View

A Ruin with a View

Season 6 - Episode 2

Now that Pikachu is feeling better, Ash is ready to head to Oldale Town to sign up for the Hoenn League. May has offered to show Ash the way...

There's No Place Like Hoenn

There's No Place Like Hoenn

Season 6 - Episode 3

Ash and May have made it all the way to Petalburg City—the first city with a gym. Ash is very excited to take on the gym leader. May seems a...

You Never Can Taillow!

You Never Can Taillow!

Season 6 - Episode 4

Ash, May and May's little brother Max are now en route to Rustboro City—and they're hungry! No one remembered to pack lunch. As they fight o...

In the Knicker of Time!

In the Knicker of Time!

Season 6 - Episode 5

With his old friend Brock back travelling with him, Ash finds things are returning to normal with all the successful battles. However Ash & ...

A Poached Ego!

A Poached Ego!

Season 6 - Episode 6

Our heroes are headed for Rustboro City, where Ash hopes to have his first real gym battle in Hoenn. Team Rocket is making their way along t...

Tree's a Crowd

Tree's a Crowd

Season 6 - Episode 7

Deep in the woods, Ash spies a Treecko. He's wanted to catch a Treecko since he first saw one at Professor Birch's laboratory. He follows th...

A Tail with a Twist

A Tail with a Twist

Season 6 - Episode 8

Ash's newly caught Treecko may be a bit standoff-ish, but the little green Pokémon is quite a fighter. When Team Rocket sees Treecko knocked...

Taming of the Shroomish

Taming of the Shroomish

Season 6 - Episode 9

On the Way to the next gym, Ash & Co. discover a Shroomish, and it turns out none have come to the town for Ages. They appear to be hiding i...

You Said a Mouthful!

You Said a Mouthful!

Season 6 - Episode 10

While Ash and Co. continue their journey, they meet Anthony and his Pelipper, which is said to be the world's most powerful Pokémon. The rea...

A Bite to Remember

A Bite to Remember

Season 6 - Episode 11

Whilst Ash and his friends are relaxing in a forest, three Mightyena and a Poochyena ambush them. While they are trying to protect themselve...

The Lotad Lowdown

The Lotad Lowdown

Season 6 - Episode 12

Ash and co. are having a good time swimming at a lake when a crew of Lotad appeared and threw them out of the pool. Later, they figure out t...

All Things Bright and Beautifly!

All Things Bright and Beautifly!

Season 6 - Episode 13

Rustboro City is on the horizon, but they're not there yet. Ash, Brock, Max and May have just arrived at a Contest Hall. Janet and Chaz, two...

All in a Day's Wurmple

All in a Day's Wurmple

Season 6 - Episode 14

As the gang continues to make their way towards Rustboro City, May spots a Wurmple that she's dying to catch—but she's not the only one with...

Gonna Rule the School!

Gonna Rule the School!

Season 6 - Episode 15

Ash and friends arrive at Rustboro City where he gets silly with souvenirs. Max then notices a Poliwag hiding and soon the gang meets Roxann...

The Winner by a Nosepass!

The Winner by a Nosepass!

Season 6 - Episode 16

Pikachu is getting pretty good at its Iron Tail attack and that's a good thing. Ash is finally about to take on Roxanne, the leader of the R...

Stairway to Devon

Stairway to Devon

Season 6 - Episode 17

After winning the Stone Badge from Roxanne, Ash and co. head out to the next gym, located on Dewford Island. However, Max spills a drink on ...

On a Wingull and a Prayer!

On a Wingull and a Prayer!

Season 6 - Episode 18

May may be the new Misty but she is not as smart as she was. And she proves this when she, Ash, Brock and Max head to a pasta restaurant tha...

Sharpedo Attack!

Sharpedo Attack!

Season 6 - Episode 19

After the incident with the Team Aqua agent and with Peeko safely returned to Mr. Briney, Ash and co set sail for Dewford Island. All is not...

Brave the Wave

Brave the Wave

Season 6 - Episode 20

After a night at the Pokémon center, Ash is stoked to have another Gym Battle. He meets the Gym Leader Brawly, who would rather surf than ba...

Which Wurmple's Which?

Which Wurmple's Which?

Season 6 - Episode 21

After being beaten by Brawly, Ash decides to stay at Dewford Island and do some serious training of one thing he lacks: patience. He does th...

A Hole Lotta Trouble

A Hole Lotta Trouble

Season 6 - Episode 22

While exploring Dewford Island, Ash and friends notice a large cave and Max states that it's Granite Cave. They all enter and soon they fall...

Gone Corphishin'

Gone Corphishin'

Season 6 - Episode 23

A mysterious Pokémon is terrorizing Dewford Town's beach. Ash and friends set many traps for the terror and discover its identity, Corphish....

A Corphish Out of Water

A Corphish Out of Water

Season 6 - Episode 24

With a new Pokémon in tow, Ash continues his training to prepare for his rematch with Brawly. However, Corphish is still a ruffian as it int...

A Mudkip Mission

A Mudkip Mission

Season 6 - Episode 25

Get ready for a new episode of May's Expedition as she, Ash, Max and Brock stumble upon a swamp. There they find a swamp full on Mudkip and ...

Turning Over a Nuzleaf

Turning Over a Nuzleaf

Season 6 - Episode 26

While Ash preps up for his rematch with Brawly, Corphish pinches the ears of a Loudred, causing it to scream. Corphish, along with Pikachu, ...

A Three Team Scheme!

A Three Team Scheme!

Season 6 - Episode 27

As Ash continues his training, he, May, Max and Brock encounter Prof. Birch. Meanwhile, a boy's Nincada was captured by Team Rocket and it d...

Seeing is Believing!

Seeing is Believing!

Season 6 - Episode 28

After the ordeal in the last episode, Ash and co. continue training and are joined by Prof. Birch. May is so happy that her Silcoon will soo...

Ready, Willing, and Sableye

Ready, Willing, and Sableye

Season 6 - Episode 29

Corphish's bad attitude is showing no signs of improving so Ash plans to humble it a bit by putting a good scare into it deep inside an aban...

A Meditite Fight!

A Meditite Fight!

Season 6 - Episode 30

As Ash prepares for his rematch with Brawly, he, May, Max and Brock meet a Battle Girl by the name of Shauna, whose reason for battling was ...

Just One of the Geysers

Just One of the Geysers

Season 6 - Episode 31

It is time for Ash to have his rematch with Brawly. He decides to shake things up a little by using his new Corphish instead of Taillow on a...

Abandon Ship!

Abandon Ship!

Season 6 - Episode 32

On their way to May's first contest in Slateport City, Ash and gang travel across the sea on a motorboat. After Team Rocket fails in their l...

Now That's Flower Power!

Now That's Flower Power!

Season 6 - Episode 33

After arriving in Slateport City, May begins her training for the Contest. However, just as she and Beautifly have some good results, a boy ...

Having a Wailord of a Time

Having a Wailord of a Time

Season 6 - Episode 34

May is eagerly preparing her Beautifly for the Pokémon Contest while Max watches her Torchic. He is debating which Pokémon he will begin wit...

Win, Lose or Drew!

Win, Lose or Drew!

Season 6 - Episode 35

May enters Beautifly in the beauty contest, but Team Rocket is too late to enter their Dustox. At the competitions, the person in line right...

The Spheal of Approval

The Spheal of Approval

Season 6 - Episode 36

While Brock and May go shopping, Ash and Max go to the museum, only to find it closed. Max attempts to go in, but is caught by a boy, who cl...

Jump for Joy!

Jump for Joy!

Season 6 - Episode 37

Oh no! Brock's worst fear has come to pass: A Pokemon Center without a Nurse Joy! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD! (Well, not really.) But Ash and...

A Different Kind of Misty!

A Different Kind of Misty!

Season 6 - Episode 38

Continuing their journey to Mauville City, Ash and co. are starting to get lost by heavy fog. After Team Rocket got taken care of, they noti...

A Poké-BLOCK Party

A Poké-BLOCK Party

Season 6 - Episode 39

As Ash and co. are a mere stone throw away from Mauville City, they soon notice a poster for the House of Tricks. Anyone who navigates this ...

Watt's with Wattson

Watt's with Wattson

Season 6 - Episode 40

The time has come, once again. Ash was super psyched to have another Gym Battle. This time, it was with the elderly, yet hilarious, Wattson....

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