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Pokémon - Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension


Run Time: mins

Air Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007

Average Rating: ⭐ 7.9 (1914 votes)

TV Tokyo TV Aichi TVQ TV Osaka TVh TSC

It’s looking good for Ash as he works on his next three Gym Badges, but not so good for Dawn, coming off a pair of Contest defeats. Both will do what they can to become better Trainers, from entering the Wallace Cup competition to attending Professor Rowan’s Pokémon Summer Academy. Hopefully, the new tactics they pick up will give them the tools they need to succeed against the latest plot by Pokémon Hunter J—as well as the emerging threat of Team Galactic!

52 Episodes

Tears for Fears!

Tears for Fears!

Season 11 - Episode 1

After a practice battle between Ash's Chimchar and Dawn's Piplup, Chimchar begins to cry because Ash was nice to it even though it lost, and...

Once There Were Greenfields

Once There Were Greenfields

Season 11 - Episode 2

Gardenia reappears in a town, organizing a special exhibition battle for the town's children. She teams herself with James of Team Rocket in...

Throwing the Track Switch

Throwing the Track Switch

Season 11 - Episode 3

Buizel is more interested in Ash's gym training, and Aipom is more interested in Dawn's contest training. Thus, Zoey suggests that Ash and D...

The Keystone Pops!

The Keystone Pops!

Season 11 - Episode 4

After Ash's Buizel destroys the Hallowed Tower, a Spiritomb is unleashed and attacks Ash, Dawn, Brock and a nearby village. Then Jessie tell...

Bibarel Gnaws Best!

Bibarel Gnaws Best!

Season 11 - Episode 5

Ash's group encounters a Pokémon Breeder working on the construction of a stone bridge. The woman is arguing with the bridge's designer beca...

Nosing 'Round the Mountain!

Nosing 'Round the Mountain!

Season 11 - Episode 6

Ash battles Alan, a trainer that wants his Nosepass to evolve into a Probopass, but it can only evolve if it levels up in Mt. Coronet. When ...

Luxray Vision!

Luxray Vision!

Season 11 - Episode 7

Ash encounter a young Officer Jenny named Marble and her Luxray. Luxray is unable to use its electric moves, so Ash & Co. set out to help it...

Journey to the Unown!

Journey to the Unown!

Season 11 - Episode 8

In Solaceon Town, Ash's group meets up with Dawn's old friend and rival Kenny and his new Pokémon, Breloom. Kenny tells them he is going to ...

Team Shocker!

Team Shocker!

Season 11 - Episode 9

Dawn competes against Kenny in the Solaceon Town Contest, looking for redemption after her crushing loss in Hearthome City. Jessie of course...

Tanks for the Memories!

Tanks for the Memories!

Season 11 - Episode 10

On their way to Veilstone City, Ash and his friends stop off at the Mountain Hut Maid Café for a nice drink of Miltank's Milk. However, when...

Hot Springing a Leak!

Hot Springing a Leak!

Season 11 - Episode 11

Ash and his friends stop at a Hot Spring managed by Dawn's childhood friend, Leona. Both girls are happy to meet again, but when Dawn and he...

Riding the Winds of Change!

Riding the Winds of Change!

Season 11 - Episode 12

Ash and company visit a town where it is plagued with a group of Gligar led by a Gliscor. Ash and friends help Officer Jenny try to remove t...

Sleight of Sand!

Sleight of Sand!

Season 11 - Episode 13

When our heroes' Pokémon are having a fun time in a sandpit, a Hippowdon appears from within. However, the over-curious Pachirisu can't help...

Lost Leader Strategy!

Lost Leader Strategy!

Season 11 - Episode 14

In the forest just outside Veilstone City, the group witness a young female martial-artist and a Lucario in a fierce battle. The girl is rev...

Crossing the Battle Line!

Crossing the Battle Line!

Season 11 - Episode 15

Dawn challenges the gym leader of Veilstone City, Maylene, in hopes of helping Maylene get over her defeat. Maylene defeats Dawn and she and...

A Triple Fighting Chance!

A Triple Fighting Chance!

Season 11 - Episode 16

Maylene finally accepts Ash's challenge. Ash uses Staravia, Chimchar, and Buizel against Machoke, Meditite, and Lucario. The battle between ...

Enter Galactic!

Enter Galactic!

Season 11 - Episode 17

With Ash acquiring the Cobble Badge, our heroes decide to spend the night in Veilstone City before heading out. Reggie takes the group to a ...

The Bells Are Singing!

The Bells Are Singing!

Season 11 - Episode 18

While training Gligar, Ash hears singing. When they look to see who is singing, they meet a magician named Francesca and her three Chingling...

Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (1)

Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (1)

Season 11 - Episode 19

On their travels, Ash and his friends meet up with another Pokémon Ranger—Kellyn—and a Riolu. It turns out that Hunter J is after Riolu, due...

Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (2)

Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (2)

Season 11 - Episode 20

Hunter J has managed to kidnap Riolu. But despite that, Riolu, reveals his whereabouts to Ash, using its Aura. With Rangers Kellyn and Solan...

Crossing Paths

Crossing Paths

Season 11 - Episode 21

Ash and Co. arrive at a lakeside Pokémon Center. Jessie's Dustox sees a shiny Dustox, and follows it to the lake. Jessie releases her Dustox...

Pika and Goliath!

Pika and Goliath!

Season 11 - Episode 22

Ash and his friends meet Sho, a boy who has a Pichu and a Raichu. He mistakes Ash's Pikachu for a wild Pokémon. Just like at the Vermillion ...

Our Cup Runneth Over!

Our Cup Runneth Over!

Season 11 - Episode 23

Ash, Brock and Dawn meet the Champion of the Hoenn Region, Wallace. He says he will be holding a Pokémon Contest and the winner receives a r...

A Full Course Tag Battle!

A Full Course Tag Battle!

Season 11 - Episode 24

Ash and Brock's old friend May, still training to become a Top Coordinator, visits Sinnoh for the Wallace Cup. Upon arrival at the Seven Sta...

Staging a Heroes' Welcome!

Staging a Heroes' Welcome!

Season 11 - Episode 25

Ash and his friends have arrived at the Lake Resort where the Wallace Cup will take place. Zoey also arrives, and competes, too. Right when ...

Pruning a Passel of Pals!

Pruning a Passel of Pals!

Season 11 - Episode 26

At night, Ash takes a walk near the Lake Valor with Pikachu when suddenly, something in the center of the lake begins to glow, and it turns ...

Strategy with a Smile!

Strategy with a Smile!

Season 11 - Episode 27

Dawn beats Kyle and May beats Zoey in the semi finals and both have to battle in the finals. In the finals, Dawn faces-off against May in th...

The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!

The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!

Season 11 - Episode 28

When on their way to Pastoria City, Ash and friends meet a trainer named Tyler that wants to catch a Yanma. But Team Rocket ends up catching...



Season 11 - Episode 29

Ash and co. are running after Gligar who has been blown away by a gust, and promptly run into Paul. After a huge argument about their differ...

Cream of the Croagunk Crop!

Cream of the Croagunk Crop!

Season 11 - Episode 30

After Ash & Co. arrive in Pastoria City, Crasher Wake refuses Ash's request for a battle because he has to take care of something. They tag ...

A Crasher Course in Power!

A Crasher Course in Power!

Season 11 - Episode 31

At the Pastoria Gym Ash challenges Crasher Wake to a 3-on-3 Gym Battle using Pikachu, Turtwig and Buizel, while Wake uses Gyarados, Quagsire...

Hungry for the Good Life!

Hungry for the Good Life!

Season 11 - Episode 32

A Swinub shows up at Mr. Backlot's mansion and starts to eat all the Poffins. Dawn tries to stop it by making her own Poffins for Swinub. Da...

Fighting Fear with Fear!

Fighting Fear with Fear!

Season 11 - Episode 33

Ash continues his training with Gligar, but finds out it has become fearful of battles since the battle against Paul's Gliscor. The group me...

Arriving in Style!

Arriving in Style!

Season 11 - Episode 34

Ash and friends return to Hearthome City to challenge the Gym Leader who was gone during their last visit. However, they hear that the Gym L...

The Psyduck Stops Here!

The Psyduck Stops Here!

Season 11 - Episode 35

While traveling through a deep valley, Ash and friends encounter a swarm of Psyduck in the middle of a road. Upon trying to pass them, the P...

Camping it Up!

Camping it Up!

Season 11 - Episode 36

When Ash & Co. are invited to attend a Pokémon Academy, they decide to enter it. For their first task, they choose a PokéBall that contains ...

Up Close and Personable!

Up Close and Personable!

Season 11 - Episode 37

While at a Pokémon Academy, Ash, Dawn, Brock, Angie, and Conway find that their Pokémon are becoming hypnotized when they go near a lake. So...

Ghoul Daze!

Ghoul Daze!

Season 11 - Episode 38

While Ash and friends are training at the Summer Academy, they are taught how to deal with Ghost-Type Pokémon, should they ever run into the...

One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!

One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!

Season 11 - Episode 39

After the Trainers are finished with the training, they must use a Pokémon to bring them across a rigorous track to the finish line. Finally...

A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine!

A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine!

Season 11 - Episode 40

On their way to Celestic Town, Ash and his friends have to take Piplup to the Pokémon Center after it collapsed from over-excessive training...

Playing the Leveling Field!

Playing the Leveling Field!

Season 11 - Episode 41

Zoey is facing a critical situation against a very tough coordinator. With her Glameow confused, the battle ends quickly. Ash and co. cheer ...

Doc Brock!

Doc Brock!

Season 11 - Episode 42

Brock is away on an errand. When they can't handle it, they send Gliscor to bring Brock back. Brock finds he can't carry Gliscor back, as it...

Battling the Generation Gap!

Battling the Generation Gap!

Season 11 - Episode 43

Dawn has entered the latest contest held in Celestic Town. Dawn meets her mother's old rival Yuri, that wants to win this contest. When she ...

Losing Its Lustrous!

Losing Its Lustrous!

Season 11 - Episode 44

Commander Mars and Cyrus (not known yet by Ash and co. that he is a part of Team Galactic) debuted in the anime along with Commander Saturn ...

Double Team Turnover!

Double Team Turnover!

Season 11 - Episode 45

In this episode Commander Jupiter is introduced. Ash and the gang are helped by Cynthia to stop Team Galactic from stealing the Lustrous Orb...

If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!

If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!

Season 11 - Episode 46

Arriving back in Solaceon Town, the gang meet up with Angie at her Parent's Daycare. She tells them her parents are gone for a while, so she...

A Trainer and Child Reunion!

A Trainer and Child Reunion!

Season 11 - Episode 47

As Ash and the gang are heading back to Hearthome City, they encounter Aaron, a member of the Elite Four. They see that he's training his bu...

Aiding the Enemy!

Aiding the Enemy!

Season 11 - Episode 48

Ash has a battle with Paul. Choosing a one-on-one battle, Paul chooses Honchkrow, and Ash chooses Turtwig. Honchkrow manages to drive Turtwi...

Barry's Busting Out All Over!

Barry's Busting Out All Over!

Season 11 - Episode 49

Upon arriving at the Hearthome Gym, Ash and his friends run into Barry, a trainer from Twinleaf Town. Barry turns out to be an admirer of Pa...

Shield with a Twist!

Shield with a Twist!

Season 11 - Episode 50

The Gym battle between Ash and the Hearthome Gym Leader Fantina has begun. Ash chooses Buizel to battle Gengar, Chimchar to battle Mismagius...

Jumping Rocket Ship!

Jumping Rocket Ship!

Season 11 - Episode 51

Ash and company, along with Barry, take a ride in a blimp to Canalave City. When they arrive, Team Rocket, disguised as photographers, trick...

Sleepless in Pre-Battle

Sleepless in Pre-Battle

Season 11 - Episode 52

The group heads to the Canalave Gym, but they are told that the Gym Leader isn't there right now. At a police station, the group is told by ...

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