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Hiyori's Confession! A Reunion at Bandit's Bridge!

One Piece

Run Time: 24 mins

Air Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2020

Average Rating: ⭐ 7.667 (3 votes)

Fuji TV

Season 21 - Episode 953

Hiyori's Confession! A Reunion at Bandit's Bridge!

Average Rating: ⭐ 7.667 (3)

At Onigashima, Kaido and Big Mom continue with their clash. Queen contacts Udon, and Babanuki, having been tamed by Tama, gives Queen a false report. Back at Udon, Hyogoro gets reacquainted with the other yakuza leaders, who join the rebellion. At Oihagi Bridge, Hiyori and Kawamatsu have a heartfelt reunion. The reunion is cut short as a group of Beasts Pirates arrives, seeking revenge on Gyukimaru. Zoro and Kawamatsu defeat the attackers, and Gyukimaru flees the scene with Zoro chasing after him.

Action & AdventureComedyAnimation