Survivor - Heroes vs. Villains

Run Time: mins
Air Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010
Average Rating: ⭐ 7.4 (388 votes)
CBS15 Episodes

Slay Everyone, Trust No One
Season 20 - Episode 1
In one of the most physical reward challenges ever played, injuries threaten to send two castaways home before the first challenge is comple...

It's Getting the Best of Me
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Backstabbing and dissention run rampant in one tribe as a castaway reveals that old grudges die hard and makes a move to put a former ally o...

That Girl is Like a Virus
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One of the most powerful women in the game targets a worthy adversary and gets aggressive in her efforts to oust an immediate threat.

Tonight, We Make Our Move
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The two tribes each search for a hidden immunity idol within their respective camps. Meanwhile, Coach believes everyone is against him, and ...

Knights of the Round Table
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An important hierarchy is established between a pair of conniving allies and a plan is hatched to oust one of the strongest and most promine...

Banana Etiquette
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When the castaways discover that two people will be sent packing in a rare double elimination, everyone scrambles to save their own skin, an...

I'm Not a Good Villain
Season 20 - Episode 7
Hurt and betrayed by a close ally, one castaway learns the hard way that loyalty isn't always easy, and one powerhouse learns from experienc...

Season 20 - Episode 8
Struggling to keep their tribe intact, the "Heroes" vow to work together as long as it takes to ensure that they outlast the "Villains." Mea...

Survivor History
Season 20 - Episode 9
Convinced that a women's alliance is running the Villains tribe, The Heroes develop a risky strategy in an effort to align themselves with o...

Going Down In Flames
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Reunited on the merged tribe, two old friends rekindle an alliance but trust doesn't come easily, and one castaway makes an unprecedented pl...

Jumping Ship
Season 20 - Episode 11
With two swing votes hanging in the balance, no one can be sure of their safety heading into Tribal Council, and even the most formidable vi...

A Sinking Ship
Season 20 - Episode 12
Sensing that he is in danger, a hero makes a bold move to save himself by fooling the entire tribe. Meanwhile, a vicious power struggle emer...

Loose Lips Sink Ships
Season 20 - Episode 13
The final six get the chance to earn time with their loved ones in a fiercely fought reward challenge. Desperate for options, the remaining ...

Anything Could Happen
Season 20 - Episode 14
As the final tribal council draws near, Survivors struggle to stay on top of their game as alliances crumble and everyone starts to play for...

Season 20 - Episode 15
Deep in the heart of the South Pacific, twenty former castaways return to compete in the greatest Survivor competition yet. Ten heroes, know...